A Trip to Mali

For the first time in our nine years of partnership, we were able to visit some of the schools and water projects we built with Empower Mali. John Paul met founder Yeah Samake (below) almost a decade ago, and they have been investing in education and water systems in and around Bamako, Mali ever since.

We were there primarily for the grand opening of a kindergarten — “Les Petits Heros de JP DeJoria” — in Badalabougou. It was the first of its kind in the area; the government does not provide schools for every kid based on economic constraints. Public/private partnership is critical to ensuring kids have a place to go to school. The mayor was in attendance, there were speeches and the acrobat dance troop put on a SHOW, let me tell you. I held my breath for most of it. Seeing the community come together with such excitement for their kids (and moms and dads that will benefit) was so heartwarming. John Paul has built seven such schools and there are more projects in the works!

We were also able to visit water systems; John Paul has helped build 43 water systems. Due to the terrain, wells are drilled to almost 600 feet, then pumped by solar power and typically two taps are built. For communities, water committees are formed to manage the usage and upkeep and a small charge is rendered per household, which is the best way to ensure sustainability and care for the systems. Water changes lives. We heard from one chief that his village no longer needs to worry about waterborne diseases. Women showed us the bounty of their garden and offered vegetables, cotton and kola nuts as a thank you for the water.

We also visited a few other schools and water wells. We taught kids the name of the foundation - PEACE LOVE HAPPINESS with hand signs, which they loved. It was such a joy to get to meet so many kids and see them so excited about school. The headmaster of the Moromoro school (below) was a delight — so proud of his students and his school.

THANK YOU so much to Empower Mali and their communities for being so gracious